18 Mar 2010

FOREM ketemu Charles Zimmermann

Kali ini FOREM melakukan "tour de pecel Yu SRI Klaten". Tepatnya tanggal 14 Februari 2010, tapi baru kali ini dirilis (maklum blog FOREM Cycling Club baru di-launching bulan Maret 2010). Rute kali ini menuju ke arah timur dari base camp PT Intan Pariwara. Rute pendek memang, kira-kira 21 km, mungkin rute terpendek yang pernah ditempuh FOREM hingga saat ini.

Perjalanan kali ini terasa sangat istimewa bagi FOREM. Ketika sampai di pos utama yaitu RM Yu Sri Klaten, FOREM bertemu dengan seorang pesepeda keliling dunia asal Brazil yaitu Charles Zimmermann. Dia sebenarnya sudah mulai bersepeda ke ASIA dan INDIA pada tahun 2004. Kali ini merupakan perjalanan keliling dunia yang sudah dilakukan selama 3 bulan. Tentang perjalanan Charles Zimmermann dapat Anda baca melalui situsnya: Charles pelo Mundo.

Siapakah Charles Zimmermann?

Charles is foreign trade analyst and university professor. Studied business Administration, studied Law, Mechanical Technology and International Relations. Charles also lectures to corporations, schools, universities and professional associations, covering topics such as planning, risks, challenges and working in a group.

Since the 80 has a special passion for music, collector of vinyl records, mostly rock.

Early 2004, with 30 years old, changed his life. He left the job to accomplish a personal dream: to travel a year for Asia and India bears only a backpack and $ 15.00 to spend per day. He traveled as ordinary local people traveling: ride, bicycle, camel, on foot, by train and bus. Reporting this trip, Charles released a book, call Nos Confins do Oriente (Into the end of Orient).

In the second semester of 2005 went into a new journey. This time traveling as a backpacker in Middle East and North Africa. Stayed there for ten months. Reporting this jorney, he released a book call, Estrada para o Grande Deserto (Road to the Great Desert), launched in 2006.

In 2007, a new journey. This time a travel around the world and always fighting to spend the least share of $ 20.00 per day. Started the Brazilian Amazon and started walking toward Central America and the Caribbean. Back to Asia, traveling the route of the legendary traveler Marcopolo, until reach Africa. This trip was released the book Terra Estrangeira (Foreign Land), his most prestigious book.

While cycling around the world, Charles Zimmermann publishes articles in newspapers in Brazil reporting his travel. (sumber:http://www.charlespelomundo.com.br/cms/index.php/en/biography)

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